Trinidadian Multimedia Artist
Rubadiri Victor
Rubadiri has been Trinidad & Tobago’s leading cultural lobbyist/activist for the last two decades. He has been particularly interested in firstly campaigning to rescue Heritage and Cultural Memory and building cultural institutions- and then in getting implemented an enabling environment for the T&T Creative Industry. From 1997 he compiled artist demands from across all sectors into a coherent holistic vision, and that brief has formed the basis of two decades of artist lobbying successes. He formed the Artists' Coalition of Trinidad & Tobago (ACTT) as the primary representative of Creative Industry and Cultural Sector interests and engaged governments in pitched battled and negotiations, changing the landscape of the Sector comprehensively. He was also a board member of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions & NGOs (FITUN) and the Black Caucus of T&T- both at their most active periods.
(to consult Rubadiri on Creative Economy & Cultural Sector matters contact him @ 1-868-797-0949 or rubadiri@gmail.com. For a detailed look at ACTT's work go to https://artistscoalition.wordpress.com/

Please vist Artist Coalition of Trinidad and Tobago for more information on Rubadir's activism: http://artistscoalition.wordpress.com/