Trinidadian Multimedia Artist
Rubadiri Victor
Theatre & Event Direction
Rubadiri worked with many of the leading theatrical troupes in the country throughout the 90s as lead actor, set and costume designer, and art director until he quit in the late 90s frustrated by the influx of foreign scripts and bedroom farces which homogenized the theatre. Since 2002 he has resumed his relationship with the medium as a playwright, director, and masman. (to hire Rubadiri or to continue following his theatrical work follow 'Wire Bend Folklore Theatre' on Facebook or contact him @ 1-868-797-0949 or rubadiri@gmail.com)
Rubadiri Victor, Lead Actor

Lead Roles
Son Son- 'Echo in the Bone' Dennis Scott
Tom Wingfield- 'The Glass Menagerie' Tennessee Williams
Village- 'The Blacks' Jean Genet
Hatuey- 'Hatuey' Raoul Pantin
Wilnor- 'My Handsome Captain' Simone Schartz Bart
King Henry V- 'Henry V' William Shakespeare
Benedick- 'Much Ado About Nothing' William Shakespeare
Rubadiri Victor, Director
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2017- Collaborated with Miami/New York based choreographer Brittany Williams on ‘Blood Water Salt’ at the 6th Annual Miami Dade College Kendall Campus A.I.R. Dance Conference
2015 Co-directed a 7-location multi-performance piece entitled ‘UnRavelled’ with Artist-in-Residence Michelle Murray at the prestigious 444 acre Deering Estate in Miami
2014 Produced and Directed the Closing Ceremony for the 8th America’s Competitiveness Forum with an epic outdoor theatre spectacle called ‘The Village of 8 Gates- the Coming Together’ held in Woodford Square in the capital Port of Spain
2014 Co-designed a carnival band by SOBEIT Limited called ‘SKY & LIGHT’
2013 As president of ACTT, originated and staged ‘The Inaugural President’s Command Performance’ the signal event for the nation on Republic Day- the last official event of the presidency of His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards at Central Bank Auditorium.
2013 Co-designed the carnival band ‘AQUA 70/30’ by SOBEIT Limited which placed third in Medium Band of the Year and won and placed in Individual Costume competitions
2011 Workshopped the creation of a multi-media localised adaptation and re-interpretation of William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'- entitled 'Laventille Macbeth'
2010 Wrote and workshopped the dramatic carnival play entitled 'Battle for the Soul of the Republic' which was originally supposed to be staged on Carnival Tuesday in conjunction with Pat Bishop and the Lydian Chorale
2009 Produced, directed, and designed The Cultural Opening Ceremony of the Civil Society Forum at the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGUM) Meeting at Queen’s Hall
2009 Co-conceived and co-directed the groundbreaking Anansi and Sky God which featured the first interactive animated characters onstage in Trinidad
2003- present Creator, designer, band leader of innovative Jouvay band Generation Lion
2002 Wrote, directed, produced, and lead acted in 'Settlement- a play about Reparation'
1996-1998 Founding member of Trinidad Theatre Workshop’s (TTW) Theatre in Education programme

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The statue of the Black Madonna comes alive as the Orisha goddess Eyemanja and awakens the 2 Old Women who worship at her shriine

Brittany Williams puts her dancers through their paces in Miami Dade on the collaborated piece 'Blood Water Salt.'

To see the work of the WIRE BEND FOLKLORE THEATRE click on the link
Wire Bend Folklore Theatre
"57 years after Independence our children are still being brought up on foreign stories and heroes- foreign TV, books, and games. WIRE BEND is about treasuring and honouring our Imagination and the Indigenous. Indigenous Folklore. Indigenous Wisdom. Indigenous Craftsmanship. Indigenous Dreams... "
"Having put my creative self on pause for 2 decades- and previously working in 8 different mediums- when it came time to resume my artistic career I asked myself which medium would lead the return... I was as surprised as anyone when I chose to create a Folklore Theatre company as my mainstay- but it made sense. It enabled me to continue to work with Elders, children, the traditional and the modern simultaneously. I could create cinematic blockbuster epics for the stage and then branch off to film, books, toys, video games, Mas bands, etc. The centre of it all would be the creation of a New Mythology for this New Time- but based in the best wisdom of the Ancestors."
The WIRE BEND FOLKLORE THEATRE is based on a simple premise: Trinidad and Tobago's top Master Artisans create phenomenal costumes and sets to be put onstage in historic interactivity with digital animation from T&T's top young talents- all in the service of ancestral and contemporary folklore."
"The guides are Peter Minshall's Callaloo Company, Jim Henson's Creature Shop, George Lucas's Industrial Light & Magic, Julie Taymor, and Michael Curry...."
-Wire Bend Founder and Artistic Director Rubadiri Victor