Trinidadian Multimedia Artist
Rubadiri Victor
novella, play, readings, merchandise, film...
Originally written by Rubadiri in 1995 as an episode for a Folklore TV series, Rubadiri resurrected ANANSI & THE 10 DRAGONS in 2015 and staged it at the launch of his troupe- the Wire Bend Foklore Theatre. It quickly became one of his most popular plays. In 2018 he adapted the story into a tween novella dedicating it to his father (the first storyteller in his life) and to the master actor Errol Jones of Trinidad Theatre Workshop (who remains the voice of Anansi for Rubadiri). The book sold out in 2 weeks! Rubadiri regularly conducts readings of excerpts of the book to schools, libraries, communities, and gatherings. These range from the very stripped down to the very stylised. In 2020 the story will finally be adapted into a feature-length film with all the majesty of a Trinidad Carnival 'big band' and with all Wire Bend Folklore Theatre's artisan inventiveness...
The Novella
The first of a 21 part series of books depicting the adventures of 3 generations of the Anansi family starting with this novella starring Anansi's grandmother as a young spider. We are introduced to the grand Kingdom of Animals where Brer Lion is King. On a festive night- and in front of the assembled Animal Kingdom- the King's son is kidnapped! There is pandemonium. Eventually a ransom note is sent by 10 Dragons challenging the Champions of the Kingdom to answer 10 riddles and defeat them- or else the Prince is lost forever and the Kingdom destroyed! Anansi eventually gets involved in the quest and enters the Kingdom of the Dragons where she encounters increasing threats as time runs out on the Animals... (with 16 illustrations by the author. The book is available at all the nation's top booksellers or can be ordered from the author 1-868-797-0949 or @ 'New Adventures of Anansi' on Facebook)

The Play
ANANSI & THE 10 DRAGONS has been staged every year by the Wire Bend Folklore Theatre by popular demand. The production utilises the Dragon costumes of the champion Traditional Mas Dragon masqueraders of Trinidad & Tobago's Carnival- and deploys them as nuanced characters. With its vision into the grand Kingom of Animals and its mythological set-up and riddles ANANSI & THE 10 DRAGONS is an exciting ride for audiences of all ages... (to see the play check 'New Adventures of Anansi' on Facebook for the next staging near you or call 1-868-797-0949 if you want to have it staged in your area)
Rubadiri has now read excerpts from ANANSI & THE 10 DRAGONS to thousands of people in all kinds of gatherings- from indoor gatherings in schools, libraries, community centres, and restaurants- to outdoor in National Parks! He has performed it by himself or with costumed characters- or with musical accompaniment whilst a themed live-painting is done. The experience of ANANSI being read is a recreation of the original thrill of Storytelling told around the fireside- and for Rubadiri it is an opportunity to hone his acting chops! (lol)... (to book a reading by the author call 1-868-797-0949 or send a message to 'New Adventures of Anansi' on Facebook)